Check the surrounding area and find information on – Commute to work, Public Lighting, Pet Friendliness, Crime Rate, Public Transportation Access, Grocery Stores, Hospitals, and Schools.
Cell Phone Coverage
Local Neighborhood Home Values
Compare home values. How much are nearby homes in the same neighborhood selling for?
Additional Fees
Ask about average monthly bills. Is there monthly neighborhood or clubhouse fees? How much is insurance and property tax? Is there a fee for garbage removal?
When browsing a home, make sure you take notice of all the details; good and bad. Here are some questions to ask yourself or your real estate professional, and items to check for when house hunting:
Flooring, Windows, & Ceiling
Check and make note of the age and condition of the flooring, windows, and ceilings – this can be used to plan for any renovations or updates the house may need.
Are there any stains? Will you need to repaint them? Are they soundproof?
Bathrooms & Kitchen
Check to see if the faucets are stain-free, mildew/mold-free, and leak-free. There should be plenty of storage and cabinet space. Make sure the bathrooms have working fans and flush the toilet to make sure it functions properly.
Is there enough natural lighting? Are the floors even? Does the home have smoke detectors installed?
Do they creak or show any sign of damage?
Make sure they open and close properly and check locks to make sure they work and are in good condition. Are the doors weatherproofed? Does the doorbell work?
This includes electrical, heating, air conditioning, security, plumbing, insulation, water, and sewer systems. Is everything up to date? Hire a home inspector to double check everything before purchasing.
Make sure there is no sagging roofline, discoloration, or holes that may cause leaking.
Foundation, Driveway, & Pool
Check for any damage to the foundation, driveway, and pool by looking for visible cracks.
Is the paint peeling? Are there any cracks or splits?
Landscaping & Curb Appeal
Are the trees, lawns, and fence in good condition?
Whether it is manual or remote controlled, make sure that it functions.
Are they stable and in good condition?
Check for signs of infestation of bugs such as termites, mosquitoes, ants, mice, and roaches.
Other Tips:
John Castelli, Realtor